Vegan Entries Win 1st at 2018 Los Angeles County Fair Pie AND Cake Competitions!
/1st Place in Double Crust Fruit: Vegan Cherry Apple Pie
1st Place in Chocolate Layer Cake: Vegan Chocolate Almond Hazelnut
Big Tent Vegan's own Susan Asato won two 1st Place Ribbons at the 2018 Los Angeles County Fair (Pomona, CA, USA)!! One for her Vegan Cherry Apple Pie, and one for her Vegan Chocolate Almond Hazelnut cake, both against non-vegan competition!
As many of you know, Susan's a competitive amateur vegan baker and cook. She only enters against non-vegan food to help show that vegan food can be just as delicious as animal-based recipes. Over the past few years, I'd say she's been very successful, with over 75 (!) ribbons and awards. Anyone who knows Susan knows how uncomfortable she is with a lot of attention. She’d never enter any competitions if it weren’t for her love of animals. She hopes that when people hear that vegan food is winning awards against non-vegan competition, it may help inspire them to move a bit closer toward more compassionate choices about the food they eat.
Some of Susan's ribbons (just through 2015!)
This year, Susan's been very busy with work and other things, so she wasn't able to concentrate on competitions as much as she would like. She only entered a few items, but she certainly made them count!
I'm very, very proud of her!
Peace to all who live,
-- Ryan
The LA County Fair Culinary Arts Venue
Some of the competition (please note: most or all of these cakes, except susan's, are not vegan)
vegan chocolate almond hazelnut cake, 1st place in chocolate layer cake at the 2018 los angeles county fair
vegan cherry apple pie, 1st place in double crust fruit at the all-american pie contest at the 2018 los angeles county fair