SUPER COMFY Vegan Sneakers designed by a Vegan Ballerina!
/Introducing the EASE Sneaker …a collaboration between Vegan Ballerina Artsy Agnes and Vegan Shoe Maker Tastemaker Supply! 100% of the proceeds will be used to assist homeless LGBTQ youth in Los Angeles, and provide scholarship and pointe shoe funds for talented underprivileged dancers.
I was so honored to be invited to the official Launch Party for the EASE Sneaker, a collaboration between Vegan Ballerina @artsyagnes and Vegan Shoemaker Tastemaker Supply…what an evening!
The sneaker comes in two colors, (ballet!) pink and light yellow. The light yellow is a very pale shade, almost cream. I couldn’t decide which color to get, so ended up get one of each! Agnes said that she designed a shoe that SHE wanted to put her feet into after a long day of dancing in pointe (toe) shoes. I tested them out the next day after my adult ballet class and private pointe lesson, and she nailed it! It felt like I was stepping into two giant Dandies marshmallows!
Agnes secured some of her favorite vegan chefs and restaurants to provide food for this celebration, and it was amazing! Just a sampling of the yummy vegan eats we devoured:
There was also a great panel discussion where the owners from Au Lac Restaurant, Vegan Club, and Solar Return joined Agnes Muljadi of @artsyagnes and Frey Chu of Tastemaker Supply and talked about the inspiration for their vegan businesses and what keeps them going.
100% of the proceeds from the sales of this collaboration will be used to assist homeless LGBTQ youth in Los Angeles, and provide scholarship and point shoe funds for talented underprivileged dancers. Agnes is a lovely ballerina and a lovely person! You don’t need to be a ballerina to wear these sneakers…get yours today! <3
Peace and love to all who live,
Gorgeous image of Agnes herself on every shoe!
Limited edition Agnes ballerina t-shirts available at Vegan Club!